Sunday dawns partly cloudy but the weather reports say it may rain. I've got my fingers crossed that the weather will hold until after the demo. I've been scrambling around since the previous Friday gathering up all my various and assorted pieces of fiber, books, hardware, and other pretties to bring to what is essentially a public show and tell. I've also been trying to figure out how to interpret the Mapquest driving directions since about that long as well. All that aside, I manage to make it to Owl's Head without having to call anyone for assistance, although it was a close thing!
I get there and find a parking spot once I located my fellow SCAdians gathered around on the grassy area. I wander over and check to make sure that I am allowed to park there and proceed to unload the STUFF. My, do I have a lot of stuff. There is a box full of fiber stuff, another box full of hardware and books, the backpack full of my garb, and of course the cooler full of food!
Once I haul my gear over, I dump it in a likely looking spot indicated by Chinua. Then we start hauling Brekke's stuff out of her minivan, and I thought I had a lot of stuff! It took 3 people about 3 trips to get all her stuff unloaded. Then up goes the pop-ups. It's hard to imagine that all these similar looking things with the same dimensions actually all open up DIFFERENTLY! How remarkable! And pop-ups are a total misnomer! They do NOT pop up. They require FOUR people one on each corner to put the thing up. Pop-up HA! And as if the varied configurations of the tents were not enough to boggle the mind, the diverse designs of the assorted camp furniture that people brought was staggering, and they ALL collapsed differently too!
Once the physical structure was erected it was time for us to dig out our STUFF and set up our displays. All the way on the end Mistress Countess Brekke had her weaving display, followed by Mistress Baroness Katherine's embroidery and sewing display, then came Lady Maria and my spinning and fiber display. Next, Devra the Baker and Lady Lily had set up their Old World/New World food quiz, with Master Richard squeezed in between us with his period Viking game. It was quite complicated, I couldn't seem to follow all the rules oh well... And finally on the other end was Lord Mongo Chinua's armour display with additions from Baron John and Wolfy.
Here is a shot of Master Richard and Lady Lily you can see how far the tents extend. You can just make out Countess Brekke in the distance, beyond her are the fighters. All of 2! Lord John the Bear and the man in the red armor whose name escapes me. They put on a great fight for the crowds. At some points, it appeared as if they would come crashing through the ropes set up to cordon off the fighting ring. But our Viceroy, Baron Alexandre and Lord Llywellan ap Rhys the marshalls were able to keep everything well in hand. And let's not forget Lord Mongo Chinua demonstration of combat archery and Lord Bear's good nature for allowing himself to be used as an armored target! Vivat!
And here is Wolfy again surrounded by the fair Nicole and Baroness Johanne. Everyone is just having a great time enjoying themselves despite the threatening precipitation. Why is there a noose handing from that tree? Hmm... perhaps is leash? :) Wolfy is such a good sport.
In this corner, we have a close up of my drop spindle, as well as the mail coif, and the leather armor. The mail coif was constructed by joining each ring together one by one. And they say knitting is tedious! At least yarn is more PLIABLE than metal! It's really quite amazing.
Well that's it for the pictures. I was too busy bopping around spinning and chatting to everyone to take that many pictures! We didn't get as many spectators as we expected due to the inclement weather. However, two ladies from my spinning group NYC Spinners did make it to the event. And we had a great time chatting about the SCA in general and spinning and the fibers arts in particular. Lady Maria impressed them greatly with her combing demonstration and I caught them later chatting to Baroness Katherine and Countess Brekke. Fiber fans always stick together no matter how they meet! Kindred spirits one and all. Hurray.
I was able to demonstrate my drop spindle to some children passing through. Although none of them wanted to try out the CD spindles that Baron Jan was kind enough to put together for my the week before. I can't believe he SANDED them all, not just the ends but the sides too! That was certainly WAY beyond the call of duty!!! Thank you again! But the children did walk away with some custom spin and plied yarn bracelets. Silly but something to take home and remember!
And I met two really nice ladies from Historic Arms group, another reenactment group that had a set up next to ours. They had some spectacular pavilions! The two ladies were interested in spinning as well and we had a nice chat.
The Scandinavian children's dances were so adorable! And Siquella came all the way from An Dubhaigeainn (Suffolk county) to dance with some drummers at the park.
Afterwards a group of us went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner and more hanging out. A great time was had by all. Especially me! People should never leave me with stray bits of paper... There was the dragon made out the dollar bill and giggle giggle giggle... A facsimile of Bear complete with a gigantic polearm! Eventually we all bid each other good night and departed for our respective dwelling replete with good cheer and good fellowship.
Since when I R cute ? 0_o
For the reference... the picture with leather armor and your spindle... that be my chainmail. \(0_o)/
Thank you reporting the event so well. I am going to send a copy to my god daughter in HI. Your report is just like being, with the group on that rainy Saturday.
Lady Lily of the Red Towers
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