I guess I wasn't kidding when I decided to call it random A&S, because BOY was it random!
I had five attendees. Nicole seated on the left and Julie on the right. I think that is Galefridus' hand to the right. Tigger has already claimed Nicole as HIS. He's considering acquiring Julie as another petting slave. We'll have to see...
I had five attendees. Nicole seated on the left and Julie on the right. I think that is Galefridus' hand to the right. Tigger has already claimed Nicole as HIS. He's considering acquiring Julie as another petting slave. We'll have to see...
Galefridus folded paper. He is attempting Robert Lang's hummingbird model from the Design Secrets book. You are more ambitious than I! We established that his problems with previous attempts was the wrong kind of paper and it has to be MUCH LARGER!!!
Here is Heather... Those of Rob's feet. That's Tigger. Tigger thinks that he can take Heather. Tigger is an EVIL cat.
What else was there? Well there was my failed attempted at teaching Rob to use a spinning wheel. But I figured out AFTER everyone left that the silly drive band was WAY too loose and once I cut the knot and tightened the drive band she worked like a charm! I still have to name the spinning wheel. I LOVE my spinning wheel! Heather is working on a crochet project! Yay! the world must PLAY with string!!

That's me... That's Tigger deciding to be jealous and psychotic. MY PERSON!!! NO TALKING to my toy!!!! YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME???? MINE!!!! I think he may need to be festooned with crosses and anointed with Holy water. Psycho kitty. That's my Shetland fleece from Rhinebeck ALL washed and cleaned. That's my spinning wheel in the background with Ashland Bay Thistle merino on the bobbin.
So we had six people including me at this little gathering. And at last count four different crafts going on at the same time. WHEEE!!!!
Signing off... more fleece washing to following and hopefully a Birka report!
So we had six people including me at this little gathering. And at last count four different crafts going on at the same time. WHEEE!!!!
Signing off... more fleece washing to following and hopefully a Birka report!
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