‎"We (Asian Americans) have to stop being so fucking polite!" - Asian American dreams: the emergence of an American people, by Helen Zia

Thursday, June 14, 2007

World Wide Knit in Public Day! June 9th

I spent a lovely afternoon in Hoboken's Pier A Park enjoying the brisk weather and meeting knitter's, crocheters, and spinners in the area.
What a lovely way to spend a summer's afternoon. I hauled my STUFF from my apartment to the park.
I walked dragging my luggage carried loaded up with all my spindles and fiber and loom about a mile and half along 1st ave to the Park. Along the way I had a little mishap and my spindle bucket upended spilling spindles and other bits of hardware all over the ground. A couple of nice guys passing by helped my pick up my stuff. I wonder what they thought I was doing and what all this stuff was... Giggle.
Of course, once I got there I was the only one NOT knitting. I brought my spindles and fiber as well as the loom that I got for a house warming present to the park as promised. Unfortunately, it was too windy to spin, but I did meet some wonderful ladies, as well as setting up another simple cardboard loom.
Hopefully, I will get to hear the podcast and see some of the pictures people were taking.

A visit to the USS San Jacinto

Ok. I admit it... I was playing hooky from more cleaning and organizing of my apartment. I head off to Staten Island on Monday, May 28th for a tour of the USS San Jacinto organized by Lord Mongo Chinua.
Lord Baldewin von Aaken of Atlantia who is serving aboard her, kindly took us on a tour of the ship.

Gary your directions were... well UNIQUE!!! That's it UNIQUE!!! AHHH!!! Why didn't you tell me I was going to DRIVE around the ENTIRE island??? Oh BTW I drove past the Staten Island Maritime Museum. I thought I saw a banner for SALT. Is that the same exhibit to which I have a book of the same name? Salt, a history of the mineral. Hmm... I must remember to go check that out.

Anyway, Lord Baldewin took us (that would be Gary, with a colleague along with her 2 daughter, Lord Aethelstan with family in tow, me!) on a wonderful tour of the ship. It was really quite amazing. I didn't not realize that that the ship could become a GIANT capacitor... You know... there are times I wish I had not taken all those science courses in college. Definitely where a little knowledge is BAD!!! The patching equipment was really interesting. It's hard to imagine in this day and age with all our various adhesives, epoxies, and other sticky substances, sometime the best way to patch a pipe until it can be replaced is to wrap rope around the leaky area tightly and repeatedly. Fiber rules!

We got to see the engine room and the bridge and the turbines. We got to see the guns mounted on the front of the boat. The fact that some of those guns took bullets the length of my hand was a little disturbing, but I guess that's why it's a warship. But we had a great time.

Thank you Lord Baldewin von Aaken for showing us around!

Very cool.