‎"We (Asian Americans) have to stop being so fucking polite!" - Asian American dreams: the emergence of an American people, by Helen Zia

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


III. Spinning
A. Spin the batts worsted. Keep the spindle spun sample handy as a template.
Spinning on the Schacht Matchless. 21:1 ratio
I cross lace the flyer hooks and am using as thin a drive band as I could find and would still turn the wheel. See Maggie Casey, I did listen in class!
B. Spin for a balanced 2 ply. Can always re-spin 2 ply to add twist for cabling.

Now to settle in for a couple of months of marathon spinning. I need to spin at least 4oz of fiber so I can set up the table loom for sampling. At 8400 ypp that's A LOT of treadling.

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